Can You Eat with Invisalign? Eating Guidelines and Tips

Invisalign is a hassle-free alternative to traditional braces that allows you to continue enjoying all of your favorite foods.

Invisalign is a hassle-free alternative to traditional braces that allows you to continue enjoying all of your favorite foods. Unlike conventional braces, which require several food restrictions, with Invisalign, there is one important rule when it comes to eating—you must remove your aligners before eating or drinking anything but water. However, certain guidelines and tips can optimize your experience and ensure the effectiveness of the treatment. Continue reading on to explore the dos and don’ts of eating with Invisalign.

Understanding Invisalign Clear Aligners

Invisalign clear aligners are one of the top choices when it comes to orthodontic treatment due to their discreet and comfortable nature. These custom-made, clear trays are designed to gradually shift teeth into their proper positions, offering a virtually invisible solution for achieving a straighter smile. Invisalign corrects far more than just aesthetics; it addresses various orthodontic issues, such as crowded teeth, gaps, and bite misalignments, such as overbites and underbites.
Proper care and maintenance during Invisalign treatment are essential for optimal results. Properly cleaning your aligners helps prevent bacterial growth and buildup. Adhering to the recommended wear schedule and avoiding foods and drinks that may stain the aligners are crucial practices.

Eating with Invisalign: Guidelines and Recommendations

At Rockefeller Cosmetic Dentistry, we provide our patients with comprehensive eating guidelines to ensure the success of treatment. It is advised to remove your aligners before eating to prevent damage and staining. Before reinserting, thoroughly clean both your teeth and aligners to avoid bacterial buildup. Additionally, maintain oral hygiene throughout the day.

What Foods and Beverages to Avoid

  • Sticky Foods: Avoid sticky foods, including chewing gum, while wearing your trays. Foods like taffy, chewy candy, jerky, etc., can affect the Invisalign treatment process.
  • Hard Foods: Food such as popcorn, hard candies, nuts, and ice cubes can put excessive pressure on your aligners and risk damaging them.
  • Foods and Beverages that Cause Stains: Minimize eating highly pigmented foods and beverages, such as coffee, tea, red wine, and tomato sauce, to prevent staining the aligners.
  • Sugary Foods and Beverages: Limit sugary snacks and sodas to prevent sugar from getting trapped between the aligners and teeth, increasing the risk of cavities and enamel erosion.
  • Acidic Foods and Beverages: Reduce consuming acidic foods or beverages like citrus fruits and vinegar-based dressings. Foods that contain high levels of acidity can weaken enamel and increase the likelihood of aligner damage.


Cleaning Aligners After Eating

Cleaning your aligners after eating or drinking is essential for preventing bacterial buildup, maintaining oral hygiene, and preserving the clarity of the aligners.

Cleaning your aligners after eating or drinking is essential for preventing bacterial buildup, maintaining oral hygiene, and preserving the clarity of the aligners. Methods to effectively clean them include:

  • Rinsing them with lukewarm water to remove any food particles
  • Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and clear unscented antibacterial soap to gently brush the aligners
  • You can also soak the aligners in a denture cleaner solution or a mixture of water and vinegar for 15-20 minutes daily
  • It is important to remember to brush and floss your teeth before reinserting your aligners to prevent any food particles from clinging to the trays


These tips and tricks help ensure aligners remain clean, clear, and free of harmful bacteria throughout treatment.

Managing Discomfort While Eating

It is normal to experience slight discomfort during the initial days of wearing a new tray. To alleviate any discomfort, consider switching to softer foods and gradually reintroducing harder foods as you adjust. Chewing slowly and taking smaller bites can also help minimize irritation.

If discomfort persists, you can use over-the-counter pain relief medications, such as Advil or Tylenol, or apply orthodontic wax to problem areas to provide temporary relief. However, over time, your mouth will adapt to the presence of aligners, reducing discomfort. By adhering to these strategies and being patient with the adjustment process, you can easily navigate mealtimes while undergoing Invisalign treatment.

Eating Out and Social Situations

Social situations and eating out with Invisalign can be seamless with a few strategies.

Social situations and eating out with Invisalign can be seamless with a few strategies.

  1. Choose restaurants with menu options that are aligner-friendly, such as soft foods or dishes that don’t require excessive chewing.
  2. Consider removing your aligners before meals and using a travel case to store them hygienically.
  3. To clean your aligners in a public setting, excuse yourself from the table to the restroom and rinse them with water.

These few tips ensure you can enjoy social gatherings without compromising your treatment.

Continue To Enjoy Life With Invisalign!

Compared to traditional braces, eating with Invisalign aligners offers remarkable advantages, minimal dietary restrictions, and enhanced comfort during meals. The removable nature of Invisalign also means you can enjoy meals comfortably without the hassle of metal wires and brackets irritating your gums and cheeks. Being able to continue to enjoy the foods you love while simultaneously helping your smile contributes to a more positive overall orthodontic journey. For more information about Invisalign, call (212)581-1091 to consult with our experienced Invisalign providers.